~Chatbox Rules~1.
Show respect: Not staff just needs to be showed the most respect, everyone else does too. So avoid shoing disrespect or a small punishment may happen.
No advertising: This is a real strict tule too. Most people like staff would be annoyed with advertising your own websites, forums ETC. So please do not advertise it will be off limits for advertising forever on the chat only staff may advertise sites.
No spamming: I am really annoyed when this happens do not spam like this e.g.
. Or random words that are unnecassary.
Fonts: If the font you are using is to light or too dark change it if it's too dark it may hurt you're eyes if it's too light no one can read what you have typed down for people to read. If a staff member tell you to change you're font change it without argueing with me/staff.
No harassment: Harassment is something that our chat staff will not take lightly, they will treat it seriously you may be punished by being ignored or banned from private messaging if being ignored it might be all day or longer so do not do it to the staff.
Acting: A strict rule on the chatbox do not act as others and mostly not staff or else you may be banned this is strictly forbidden from the chatbox so no acting at all.